Direct Response Marketing

Direct Mail: I have a lot of experience with printed direct mailings and even though we are in a digital age, the right strategy, the right copy and design can still be a huge success for any company. Here are some winners that I designed and their individual successes. I am show-casing the individual letter but you can click into each project to see all of the pieces that were created for each mailing. Besides these types of packages, I have also design postcards for huge mailing campaigns.

Direct Online Response Marketing: I have had a hand in many online campaigns as well. I am showing one test idea below that I designed for a live event promotion. Through my existence experience working in this type of industry, I have learned to understand copywriters ideas translate those into design online or in print.


“Security Glitch” Direct Mailing

The first mailing of this campaign hit a 142% breakeven (BE) and brought in 2505 new names to our business throughout the year in 2017. What you see above is the first page of the letter.
Click below to see the other pieces of this mailing.


“Marijuana Millionaire” Direct Mailing and Insert

Also, a very successful direct mail campaign hitting a 275% breakeven (BE). The same letter was also sent as an insert to our internal files and hit a 519% Breakeven with a net revenue of $25,837. As a 16-page mailer this showed that even in a changing market, Direct Mail can be successful.

Click below to see the other pieces of this mailing.


“Magic Income” Direct Mailing and Insert

This 1-page direct mailer hit a 350% BE but even more impressive, we re-tested 1-pagers as inserts and pushed people online to watch a video which sparked a greater gross revenue than most of our multi-page version inserts before. It produced a 4,067% Breakeven and a $144,450 gross revenue with a $127,799 net revenue. Because of these low production costs, it inspired our new format for inserts and we are continuing to push inserts out as 1-pagers into 2019 now.


“Trump Bonanza”
Direct Mailing

This mailing hit 139% BE and continued to mail for the rest of that year, bringing in 1,474 names in under 6 months.

“Man on the Street” Insert Mailing

1,760% Breakeven

$76,097 Gross Revenue, $71,775 Net Revenue

The numbers speak for themselves. This 1-page insert pushed people to an online promotion only for customers to place their orders.



DIrect Response Marketing

One out of four different designs that I came up for this campaign as a test idea.