“Marijuana Millionaire”
Direct Response Mailing
Here is an overview of the pieces that were created for this Direct Mailing.
Spread View Inside the letter
Here is an inside look into the letter. Page 10 and 11 as a spread view.
A spread with lots of variety: a chart, highlighted pull out quotes, a sidebar and images. Since these promotions are very text-heavy, it’s very important to break up the monotony of the copy by being creative to come up with image solutions and placing them throughout.
The Reply aka Order form
To the left is the reply page. It highlights all of the benefits and includes the order form to close the deal. In this case, the reply form was the last page of the letter. With that we saved cost on printing but also were able to use the letter as an insert without having to make any changes.
The Carrier
On the left is the 6x9 inch carrier.